My entry for the June-July painting competition Title: Protect the guns! Kits used: Janissaries and Ottoman Noble Admirals. Description: In the midst of a siege on the Hungarian frontier, a sort...
My entry for the June-July painting competition Title: Protect the guns! Kits used: Janissaries and Ottoman Noble Admirals. Description: In the midst of a siege on the Hungarian frontier, a sort...
Title: We storm the breach at dawn! Description: A group of serdengeçi (which loosely translates to thse head who risk their heads) storming the breach of a Serbian or Hungarian fortr...
@Brian Van De Walker oh that would certainly be great! But given the choice, I'd rather they first explored some more niche corners of the period model-wise (Ottomans, Balkans, etc.) before circlin...
Another vote for The Assault Group. Their metal Ottomans look great and are from the best (IMHO) period, but I would much prefer a multi-part plastic kit.
Those conquistadors really look fantastic, can't wait to get mine. And great to see what they can mix with the older GW kits that were a little more historical-oriented despite being fantasy. Now ...
Created an account to vote for 16th century Ottomans. I'd order an army's worth in a heartbeat. I think the Conquistadors are already a decent approximation for Knights of Malta or other Mediterra...