Greetings friends,
This thread is for submissions to the following category
Historical - any era - any single figure or diorama you may come up with. Conversions and digital kitbashing are encouraged!
Rules and links to other entries thread can be found in the following linked thread:
Forum username - So we can tie your entry to your account and reward the winner appropriately. You will receive a PM from forum staff with instructions for redeeming your prize if you are able to place in one of the categories. Please remember to check your personal messages and claim your prizes.
Title of entry - Name your work, even something simple such as "Grognards infantryman."
Description of entry - Parts used if a conversion, or if you've come up with any background. Whatever other details you think we should know.
@Lord Marcus nice ! I'll try to participate with my female FFI, how many pictures are we allowed ?
@Mathieu Tyras as many as you want. Just one entry per category though.
Hey guys, above are some pics of my Female FFI (Forces Françaises de l'Intérieur) that I painted for my Normandy board, hope you like them !
Title of work: WW2 kitbashed brits
Description: bodies are gurkha and victorian police, arms from female resistance, heads from Monks and Napoleonic Russians I think. Made the helmets myself
Title: We storm the breach at dawn!
Description: A group of serdengeçi (which loosely translates to thse head who risk their heads) storming the breach of a Serbian or Hungarian fortress in the early morning hours after a successful sapping operation in exchange for double pay. Also a humble offering for WGA to keep the fantastic Ottoman sculpts coming.
Conversions: The only conversion is on the one carrying the long teber axe. I used Fireforge Russian arms (which scaled pretty well) and a Fireforge Bardiche from their accessories kits. The other change I make was scaling down the shield to 90%, although I might go even lower in the future as I like having less of the fig hidden behind it so that more the sculpt being visible.

This is my digital kitbash. I used Russians and Bavarians and added my own caps, and the result will be a large Austrian unit in Greatcoats!
The Iroquois Confederacy
my daughter's grade six social project made from the animal and Mississippi natives sets. She got 100%!

Conscripts of Bohemia
3d kitbash of Napoleonic Russians in Greatcoats, Napoleonic Bavarian Infantry and my Shakos.
This is a large unit of constript fusiliers for Bataille Empire or another rule set.
Have a good day.
Hail Emperor, those who are about to die, salute you!

Sassanid General with Chaldean Christian advisors.
This is the head from the digital WGA Adishir kit. I tried printing the whole thing but due to a printing error kit bashed the head onto a fireforge Byzantine rider kit. The two priests are from the WGA Eastern Orthodox priest kit.

Here is my entry - "Takeda bodyguards" I painted it few months ago, hope it's ok. I'll try to finish another entry for fantasy category by end of august :-)

Tobias Voss
Satsuma Rebellion Rebel Artillery
Posted those a while ago on the Facebook group. Kitbash wise I am still very satisfied and proud of it. Giving it a try here :D
Officer is a Victorian Policeman, with Polish cavalry sabre and Rebel Yell head. Gun crew are almost unmodified prints of the Edo peasants.

So I thought I would try to sculpt and "kitbash" something extra for the competition. I converted the 3D Bavarian figures from Wargame Atlantic into these Grenzers. I had to create hats with faces, trousers with 'knots' on them, erase long boots, and create 'stripes' on the sides of the trousers for painting. I also added ankle boots, created backpacks, and made bottles
Georg Dierkes
Titel: Dr. Barbenheimer
Description: Small diorama showing Dr. Barbenheimer enyoing her cigarette after a succesfull nuclear test.
Digital kitbash using Female French Resistance and the hat of Toht.

Forum Name : Richard Smeeton
Title : Gladiator

A couple of Public Safety Committee members deciding how to make France a 'safer' place.
They are 3d printed on a Mars Pro 2. They will see use in Silver Bayonet as well as in a Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Here is my entry, Ogawa-sama no shi-ri onnamusha. Lady Ogawa's four blades.

Hello~ I painted Persian heavy cavarly. Hope you like them. They are 3d printed with plastic horses.