Aztec Lizardmen

  • Aztec Lizardmen on dinosaurs. I need a big army of those

  • @Paul Evans ... That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen😆, though I suppose that could be doable, but why not 28mm ones though? what supported rules would you play with them with?

  • Warmaster I would suggest.  There are several sources for the requested army.  Eureka miniatures 10mm lizardmen are excellent miniatures nut it would be nice to supplement these troops with WA lizardmen which would cost less than the metal minitures at Eureka.  Cromarty forge also offer very high quality 10mm miniatures.

    I am excited that WA has ventured into this arena as it is cheap enough that I can double the size of my current armies very quickly.  Keep them coming.  I have 10mm Imperial Romans, Mongols, and Lizardmen, but will probably collect Samurai, Aztec, and possibly others.  I will just have to wait for WA to roll out a few more armies.

  • @Brendan Flynn I asked for a supported game,  Warmaster died with WFB and it has not been revived given its on WayBack machine for free and I get the sinking feeling the history version was more popular😆.

    Why do Aztec lizardmen when WA can redo the lizardmen they have in 10mm for nappy style colonial games as althistory opponets or do SciFi human infantry with games like Heavy Gear in mind?

  • @Brian Van De Walker because ancient style games require a boatload of miniatures

  • @Brian Van De Walker i agree. if they were going to do lizardmen, they should do their own lizardmen style, not GW's space-mesoamerican. heck, if the line does well they could do a sub-theme of the WGA fantasy armies.. lizardmen, skeletons, Halflings, Landsknecht Ogres, and Goblins.

    that said, i could see conquistadors and aztecs in the grand battle scale


    i could see a market for scifi in the same scale, but the dynamics of such would be different enough that it would really need to be its own line. 

  • As cool as space-mesoamerican lizardmen would be...... I agree with Bryan and Mithril. Where is the market for 10mm aztec lizards? 28mm space aztec lizards would already be stepping on GW's toes unless you made them distinct enough, and even then.... there really isn't much you can do with a lizardman army that hasn't been done by GW or other big names that might not translate well to 10mm.

  • @Charles Tottington I don't think he mentioned space.

    @Paul Evans 17th-early 20th tend to need a boatload as well and most of the "anceint history with fantasy" rules I have come across are for small warband games made with 28mm-32mm in mind, likewise it would be better to focus on a generic fantasy option for lizards, elves, dwarfs, etc. for these 10mms to start with unless the fantasy race is from specfic non-European culture (like oni) or something tied a particular mythos in the modern mind (cyclops or Huldra) and not watered down D&D races (I don't even think norse themed dwarves and trolls or Greek themed Beastmen are good ideas for this).

    @Mithril2098 No kidding on it being its own line, same should be true of a fantasy subject like the one we are disscusing . Though I could see them being lazily titled "Grand Battle Scale SciFi" and "Grand Battle Scale Fantasy" respectivly.


  • I think these would work for Warmaster Revolutions and Fantastic Battles. I don't think I would play Aztec lizards but these are two rulesets where you could use Aztec lizard men.  I also think there may be a lot of sources for similar style minis from other sources? Not sure.

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