Imperial Romans

  • If you ever bring Imperial Romans in Grand Battle Scale, it would be nice, if you could bring different Sets for the Sub-Eras;

    • Augustinian Imperial Romans
    • Claudian Imperial Romans
    • Trajan Imperial Romans
    • Hadrian Imperial Romans
    • Severen Imperial Romans


    Every Company is ignoring the progress and diferences of the Equipment between the Early 1st Century to the mid 3rd Century and just release "Early Imperial Romans".


    • Augustinian Imperial Romans
      Proto Auxillary in Native Fashion
      Introduction of the Lorica Segmentata
      Forehead Protection on every Helmet
      Mostly Bronze Helmets
      Mix of Montefortino, Hagenau/Coolus and Weisenau Helmets
      Oval Shields with flat reduction on uper and lover ends


    • Claudian Imperial Romans
      Standardized Auxilliary
      Weisenau Helmets with stronger Neckguard
      More Weisenau Helmets in Iron instead of Bronze
      More Segmentata Armour on the Legionaries
      Rectangular Shields


    • Trajan Imperial Romans
      Introduction of the Cross Bar on Helmets
      Standardized Helmets on Legionaries (Weisenau for Eveyrone!)


    • Hadrian Imperial Romans
      Introduction of Shorts on Legionaries
      Larger Neckguard on Helmets
      Introduction of the Niederbieber Helmet on Cavalry


    • Severen Imperial Romans
      Trousers and Long Tunics
      Widespread of the Niederbieber Helmet
      Standardized Equipment on Legionaries and Auxillary
      Lorica Segmentata slowing abolished
      Introduction of Spangehelm Helmets on Eastern Auxilary


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