I'm really excited about the One Box Challenge but it looks like the discord link is dead. Anyone have the correct one? Also where do we submit the final game?
I've got the bones of a game based on the Kobolds Set that I think is pretty fun, but I'd like to see if others find it fun, or anyone else is working on the same concept for the rules before I spend to much time in layout making the zine.
Yeah thanks was able to get on it now. So now I just have to get my rules done-ish and google doc them.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do a one box challenge.
@Charles Tottington - if you haven't seen them already, the video and guidelines in the news article posted on the main site helps a lot with clarifying the limits and providing an example: (link).

If you're having trouble thinking of a set to work with, some Wargames Atlantic hard plastic products that seem to be ideal for this sort of thing include:
- "Bronze Age Chariots" from "First Empires (see "Gaslands" - suggested elevator pitch: "like Mad Max, with souped-up Bronze Age chariots!"?)
- "Citizens of Rome" from the "Might of Rome" line (theme could include: gladiators or rival gangs in the Roman Empire)
- "Goth Warriors" or "Dark Age Irish" from "Decline and Fall" or "Blood Oaths" (possible theme: brutal Dark Age warfare on the fringes of civilization)
- "Foot Knights" from "Age of Chivalry" (popular themes would probably include medieval or fantasy warfare, or a dungeon crawl)
- "Aztec Warriors" from "Renaissance" (the obvious theme might be war betweenneighboring New World states, but maybe someone could design a tabletop game of Ulama instead?)
- "Afghan Warriors", "Afghan Cavalry", "Boxers" from "Imperial Conquests" (perhaps rival factions of the warriors are in conflict, but maybe someone could design a rough-and-tumble Arabian horse race instead?)
- "Russian Infantry" from "The Great War" (each box contains its own little Russian Revoluton - what would Lenin say???)
- "French Resistance" from "World Ablaze" (when you've got a box full of early-mid 20th Century armed European civilians and think outside the WWII French box, anything is possible with these guys! Gangsters, civil warriors, gentlemanly sportsmen seeking the Most Danerous Game, are just a few possibilities....)
- "Samurai" and "Ashigaru" from "Grand Battle Scale" (each box contains hundreds of 10mm Japanese warriors - that's quite a little wargame in a box!)
- "Cannon Fodder" or "Cannon Fodder II" from "Death Fields" (a prison break turns deadly in a conflict between prisoners and guards, or between rival prison gangs - who will survive? These guys in generic boiler suits with a selection of helmets, hats, gas masks, and bare heads could easily be used for something other than the default space convicts: factory workers or mechanics in blue coveralls, soldiers in olive drab, or space cadets in futuristic space suits, for example; try painting the bare heads of some of the figures an unnatural colour to depicts a team of androids vs. blade runners in helmets and police jumpsuits....)
- "Einherjar" from "Death Fields" (perhaps this is an knock-down-drag-out brawl between angry, angry drunken dwarves - IN SPACE!!!!)
- "Goblins" from "Classic Fantasy (rival candidates in the upcoming Goblin electoin fight for domination over their unruly mobs of enthusiastic supporters - may the best Goblin win! Or, maybe you've got the makings of a Dungeon Crawl in reverse, as goblin adventurers raid a heroic dungeon, or even build a dungeon of their own to stock with monsters, traps, and treasures?)
(If you feel inspired by one of those ideas and want to run with it, go for it! A "Suggested by an idea from Yronimos" credit for the less-obvious ideas is welcome, but not required, as I really didn't do any real work on any of these, so have fun with them!)
And that's just a portion of the hard plastic options from WA alone. What could you do with some of the other boxed sets, digital products, or stuff from other sources?
Remember that Wargames Atlantic suggests that war games aren't the only option - in fact, they recommend thinking outside the war game box and inventing games that resolve conflicts and challenges in more inventive ways!
I should probably get to work on my Horse game!
@Estoc Can your repost. This one is invalid as well. Thanks.
No problem! https://discord.gg/kEc2V42S
You gotta make a game though. As a tax.
Thanks mate, I just tried this.