Ooh, I didn't see the poll last night! (G-Men and Mobsters got my vote!)
Interestingly, there's a few options on the poll that aren't actually in the Release Schedule (yet) - G-Men/Mobsters, Kobolds, Raptors (without Grognards), and a couple others were notable in absence! Wargs aren't on either the poll or the Release Schdule. I wonder what else Wargames Atlantic have hidden from the Release Schedule and poll alike?? (Not that I'm complaining - I love the surprises!)
I really appreciate the Halfling Cavalry on ponies - I really really really REALLY prefer that to halflings on dogs, pigs, and some of the other "cute" but (to me0 unconvincing ideas all the other guys are using. The ponies look like they would fit in much better with a traditional Tolkienesque fantasy setting, even if they are a bit "boring" and staid, and ponies just feel and look right to me. Ponies seem like they would feel right for dwarf cavalry, too.
I do like the idea of fantasy raptors, though - I'd use those in a heartbeat for WGA's Tolkienesque goblins (I think I prefer this to spiders, actually), and for Barsoom-style retro sci-fi cavalry of any sort (we need some weird bug-eyed aliens with infantry and optional cavalry bits, goblin-style!) Raptor cavalry for sci-fi and fantasy sounds like a fun idea!
I like both the Bulldogs and Ooh Rah sets - I for one dig the VSF idea, I'm also completely behind the Aliens/Starship-Troopers/cyberpunk trooper thing.
And the great thing about the Ooh Rah set is that it's fairly non-specific: nominally "American", but they could be painted up and designated for pretty much any near-future space-soldiers (even for countries that don't even exist (yet), or for generic Cyberpunk style Corporate Security and other mercenaries - which is what i always figured the Aliens space marines were anyway!) They look as British, Australian, Russian, Brazilian, Nigerian, Indian, Martian or Belter as they do American, to me - you can definitely write your own 20-minutes-into-the-future background for where they come from, how they were recruited into their space trooper platoon, and what flag they fight under and why :)

Illustration: And anyway, only the shape of the helmet and the sci-fi guns really distinguish them much from British soldiers in modern fatigues and combat armor!