Sneak Peek: What's Behind the Curtain?

  • I'm guessing a post-Renaissance(?) up to Napoleonic set of some sort (my eyesight is getting too bad to see what technology the guns are using, and I don't recognize them by sight), but couldn't venture to guess what faction - I like what I see, though!  Reminds me a lot of this set, which is (sadly) digital only at this time:



  • "Some BIG and LITTLE surprises in store for early '24!"

    Does this mean the Scale Experiments that were mentioned ages ago were a success? Looks like the Red Box Kickstartee is 32MM scale, so that's a good sign 32mm has been conquered. I still wonder what scale the small end would be. I'd be ecstatic for a good 6mm hard plastic line to take off. Any setting really, but I'd hope it gets large enough for DeatH Fields or World Ablaze eventually so I could have some decent Battletech intantry.

  • Mech foot!!!?!


  • @Red Bee 

    Seems like this may be related. 

  • As someone that has been obsessed with Battletech since the 90s, and a consumer of any mecha content I can get my mits on I am VERY interested in where this is going...


    The new addition to Iron Core seem to be closer than I expected! I have already started converting some Stormcast into my heavy knights to my homebrew order, but maybe there will be another part of the army...

  • @Drangir can't wait for the Valkir set. I fell in love with the original Dreamforge kit and it seems like I am able to expand my forces soon

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