I use both 1/48 and 1/56 plus 1/50 and even some stuff that could best be described as “non-scale/other” along with a lot my historical figures for near future sci-fi and fantasy army building.
Also To be honest heroic scale mins and 1/48 historical vehicle kits do not actually look that good next to each other to me (guns are too thin and small, etc.) So I actually have to look at sci-fi kits form things like Starwar and Anime shows along with tehnolog and Toon tanks to get a decent looking force in my mind anyways😆.
Meanwhile the Historical figures look great next 1/56 and 1/48 to me.🙄
So over all it’s a null point to me and one of several reasons I constantly advocate historical scale proportions over heroic, it looks better next to all the cool cheap plastic historical tank model kits from 1/56-1/48 out there by folks like Tamiya and Rubicon.
Anyway if this is purely about the Italian tankettes in the previews I heavily recommend they just go with 1/56 basically because it will look better next to the Italian tanks on the market already that most Wargamers actually know about, which to my knowledge are either only in or mostly in 1/56 scale and WA’s historical figures look good enough next to 1/56 scale for Italian tanks over all thus far.(ie, Italians are small go with 1/56 for thier vehicles, while we are at it same deal with French).
Not to mention I don’t want WA to have every “everything must be the same scale ” completest in the community asking for new Semovente 75/18 in 1/48 or reinventing the whole carpool of WW2 France in 1/48 when literally anything else on the figure front could be disrupted by it (rather have more 28mm army figures for things that are not covered yet in plastic then a bunch of 1/48 WW2 tanks Tamiya and Reveille haven’t done yet but Rubicon and Warlord already covers in 1/56).
Likewise I find 1/56 a better scale for most light vehicles overall (you may want some huge 1/48 scale tanks, but thing like universals carriers should look small and cute).
On the other hand, if this is a “every vehicle for Sci-Fi, History, etc. will be this scale from now on!” type question then I say skip both 1/56 and 1/48, you should go with 1/50 scale since that a good compromise between the two: it looks okay next both the others scales in historic and gives leeway to do what you want in heroic Sci-Fi (I own some 1/50 Starwars’ separatist tanks that look right at home next to GW and other heroic figures vehicles for example but still look in place next to historical figures and vehicles).
@Don Williams Bro, look on Ebay, there are tons of folks that do 1/48 in plastic kits all over the world, particularly for WW2, they just aren't focused on filling out your boltaction list😉. Also if you feel Tamiya's offerings in 1/48 is limited then your probably never going to be satisfied with plastic kit models availble in either scale, so you need a 3D printer or someone doing 3D print of vehicles, unless its something very specific your looking for.