The purpose of this thread is to be the place to post issues you may have with any Atlantic Digital product.
Reports should be formatted like the following example:
Kit afftected: The Damned
Part/s affected: 01.stl (or list mutliples, or a range)
Scope of issue: File loads with errors
feel free to add screenshots/any other accompanying information.
These three data points will allow the Atlantic Digital team to troubleshoot your issues and assist in getting you printing.
The team at Atlantic Digital is committed to making your experience downloading, working with, and printing the files we produce as smooth and as high-quality as possible.
Kit affected: Irish Chieftain Part/s affected: body-without-puddle-for-multipart-unsupported.stl Scope of issue: The file shows a size of 0.
Kit affected: Halfling Hero Sor Paddock Tidebank Part/s affected: supported-full-body-halfling-withoutpuddle-11.stl Scope of issue: The file is empty.
With a lot of unsupported files throughout all the zip files I get a strange error message in Print 3D:
Error message is "cannot be loaded, error code: 0x80004005"
From the internet I have learned that it could be kind of a compatibility issue or a general windows error code for an unspecified error, whatever that means. The good thing is that only unsupported files are affected. Has somebody else similar problems?
The error code you are getting in print 3d. When you try to open the files in another slicer like lychee or chitubox, are you getting anything similar?
Ive let the team know about your two reports re: halfling hero and Irish hero
@Alex Pil hi. Could you please use the format in the first post on this thread? give me any other information you can that I can pass along to the team for remediation?
Scope of issue: Scaling: I'm not an expert on farm chickens/ducks, but these animals seem very oversized compared to the Historicals in the range and other miniatures for Farm Animals I have from Renedra and Reaper. I think a scaling of about 75% puts them more accurate, but the chickens and ducks feet are very fragile at that size. Perhaps puddle bases would help with that, or a slight thickening.
Lychee is reporting many of the figures having unfixable errors, when printed out several of the kneeling figures are missing a foot and some of the more fragile weapons/extremities on other figures are severely bent.
@Mark Dewis ooh I know this one! In your library, click on the Purchases (it's a drop down, just not all that clear) got my tribes, then click Atlantic Digital, and they should all be there.
If your just joining the tribe, for some reason it seems to take a while for My mini factory to update the Tribes page (took a few days for my personally), but once that page is updated you'll get the files as soon as they are posted.
@Keith Tait are you printing pre-supports or supporting the unsupported versions? all pre-supports don't work for all printers. What are your settings?
@David Sjöblom can I get a screenshot of any error message you recieve when attempting to load into the stated programs. It may help the sculpting team fix the issue.
@David Sjöblom same comments as above for your necromancer report
@Mr Paul R Golder screenshots and any other supporting information please. Are you just loading them into 3dbuilder? Sometimes 3dbuilder loads in with the scale pre-set to CM instead of MM.
Thank you all for your reports, they will be addressed.
@Lord Marcus im not getting any errors, just imported objects with 0 triangles. i can open them in Chitubox and export as STL from there and then it works fine. and its only the listed ones it affects, all other files work fine.
Set affected Deathfields Security AI Supported Multi-partfigurefiles
Piece affected -Arm01L
Issue: contains multiple arm models in file
Opened Lychee Slicer
Subnote: it would be really nice if the folders had unique names. I down loaded the Victorian Cops, Ai Security, and Human Security at the same time and had to figure out which was which by opening them in the slicer
Scope of issue: Not had one sucessful print in two tries, Sliced in Chitubox, printed on Elegoo Mars 3
These images are from the second attempt at printing and include some extra supports auto added by Chitubox. The first attempt was only one horse, result exactly the same as that seen in the last two pictures.
@Anthony Miles I would suggest to start with the unsupported horse, rotate it 30 to 45 degrees to the side and use auto supports. Or wait for the corrected files, with better supporting. The file as it is now has more than a few mistakes. Take the right hindleg's hoove of horse06 for example.
The flat of the hoove is almost perfectly paralel with the floor and it only has one single support right in the middle. The drag of the resin will, more often than not, tear off the hoove's first layer from the support... and the whole leg is going to fail. The horse05 has the same troubles. Have not loaded the other horses...
Models: Female French Resistance Reference:
Just finished a print of the Supported bodies of the French Revolutionaries. Unfortunately there does not appear to be sufficient supports for the heads. Some of the lower jaws are getting cutoff and producing some rather disturbing results.
To repair my models I will likely reprint just the heads and attach them, but upon inspection of the STL's named _BODY_12, _BODY_13, _BODY_14, _BODY_15, _BODY_16, _BODY_17, _BODY_18, _BODY_19, _BODY_20, _BODY_21, _BODY_22, and _BODY_23 I am not seeing adequate support for the lower jaw and it appears to just be free floating in several instances.