Wars of the Sun King / 1672 to 1721 Range?

  • Hello there,

    how about a Range that represents Western European Armies of the late 17th and, early 18th Century?

    Sets could be;

    • Late 17th Century Infantry (in Brimed Hats, Musketeers, (un)armoured Pikemen, Command Options ect.)
    • Late 17th Century Cavalry (in Brimed Hats, with(out) Cuirass, Command Options)
    • Late 17th Grenadiers (with different Hat Variants)
    • Early 18th Century Infantry (in Tricorne, Musketeers, Pikemen, Command Options ect.)
    • Early 18th Century Cavalry (in Tricorne Hats, with(out) Cuirass, Command Options)
    • Early 18th Grenadiers (with different Hat Variants)
    • Late 17th / Early 18th Century Commanders and Generals
    • Ordnance (Crew with Brimed Hats and Tricorne)


    Could later be expanded with; early 18th Century Swedish and Eastern Armies like Ottomans, Poland, Russia, Cossacks and even Manchu Chinese (which could be linked to Sengoku Period Japanese).

  • @Steffen Seitter Not really, the Manchu and Sengoku era Japanese have very little to do with one another, unlike the Vietnamese, Dutch, or Ming who had a lot to do with the Japanese. 

  • Your're right, the Manchu came to Power in 1644, while the Sengoku Period ended in 1603.

    Technical, the Early Green Banner forces of the Manchu are identical to late Ming Armies.

  • @Steffen Seitter Thats early enough if they do Wokou Pirates, but just samurai it make only limited sense.  

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