Late Antiquity Range?

  • I wonder how popular a Late Antiquity Range for the "Grand Battle Scale" would be?

    Sets could be;

    • Late Roman Infantry in armour (Mail and Scale mixed, with unarmoured Skimishers included)
      Late Roman Infantry unarmoured (with unarmoured Skimishers included)
      Late Roman Cavalry in armour (Mail and Scale mixed)
      Late Roman Cavalry unarmoured (with Equites Sagitarii included)
      Late Roman Command Pack (could include Equites Cataphractarii)
      Late Roman Siege Weapons (could included Infantry equipped with Manoballista)

    Otherwise, there could be seperate Sets for Western and Eastern Roman Armies. Eastern Armies with more Scale and Spangenhelm Type Helmets , Western Armies with more Mail and Intercisa Type Helmets, Cavalry with more Berkasovo Type Helmets included.

    • Late Germanic Infantry in armour (armoured and unarmoured mixed)
      Late Germanic Cavalry in armour
      Late Germanic Cavalry unarmoured
      Late Germanic Command Pack (Could include Gothic Heavy Cavalry - Pseudo Cataphracts)

    I'm not sure if those could be seperate Sets with Western Tribes (more unarmoured infantry with Bandhelm Type Helmets for Saxons and Franks) and Eastern Tribes (more armoured with Spangenhelmet Type Helmets and mixed with Roman Helmets for Goths and Vandals).

    • Hunnic Cavalry (mix of Unarmoured Horse Archers and Armoured Nobles)
      Sarmatian/Steppe Cavalry (as Roman Foederati or as subdued Tribes by the Huns)
      Sarmatian/Steppe Infantry

    Sassanids later

  • Grand Battle Eastern Germanic Goths and Vandals and Late Romans of the Late Antiquity could work with that Orcs Fantasy Army.

    For Tolkienian Fantasy, Late Germans could represend Rohan and Dunland while Late Romans could work as Gondor and Arnor.

  • @Steffen Seitter in the same vein, the sasanid persians could double as 'easterlings'

  • @Mithril2098 

    You're right....

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