so with the Friday email for 1/10/2025, we got thisl ittle update:

so it looks like a Quar invasion is coming. that's command and specialists for both of the existing armies, plus light tanks for each and the start of a 4th plastic army (the arnyarans). which combined with the Fidwog that just went to preorder and should ship near the end of fhe month, will give Quar players 4 factions.. two royalist, 1 crusader, and one Neutral*.
frankly if these continue to sell well, hopefully it'll mean we'll see an Arnyaran command set and a plastic Daen-fen Tractor kit.
we know the command set is going to have parts for officers, a standard bearer, a musician, and (so i've heard) a cook. i din't think we know what the specialist boxes will have yet. but i get the feeling it won't have trench raiders or sharpshooters, since i suspect those are better left to resin packs given the low number you might need. perhaps some sort of heavy weapons teams? maybe a pykpyk handler?
Don't forget about Partisans! And Fidwog Command! And lots of other goodies on the way!
when i posted this the Fidwog command stuff hadn't been mentioned yet. though it was anticipated given previous trends.
Are there plans for other tractors, there are a whole load in 15mm scale and it would be good to have some variety, also the aircraft.
Perhaps we could have some generic track sides etc so we could scratch build or convert things to Quar style vehicles?
So what are the expectations for a release date even approximate just to have an idea of what to expect?
other tractors have been released as STLs on Josh Qualtieri's myminisfactory page, most recently being the Coftyran Paerydyn heavy tractor. once released they'll eventually make their way to the zombiesmith and strange plastic storefronts as 3D prints.
one big release on that front is the recent Kryst Sandstalker bundle, 10 figures scanned from the old metal figures.
we now have a preview of the Coftyr command Sprue

from the recent friday email, in the "Upcoming Pre-Orders!" sectionL:
Coftyran Command (T1 March 2)
Crusader Specialists (Tooling)
Coftyran Specialists (Layout)
Crusader Command (File Prep)
Coftyran Chyweethl Tractor (File Prep)
Crusader Ailthean Tractor (File Prep)
Western Arnyaran Infantry (File Prep)
interesting that we're getting coftyr command first, but the specialists (iirc, trench raiders and Anti-tank/LMG teams) first for Crusaders.
hopefully the rest move quickly, would be nice to have the command and specialists out before summer. also hopefully the tank kit's won't be too expensive.
Status update from the most recent weekly email:
Coftyran Command (Box Design)
Crusader Command (Box Design)
Crusader Specialists (March 19)
Coftyran Specialists (March 24)
Western Arnyaran Infantry (April 16)
Coftyran Chyweethl Tractor (April 23/28)
Crusader Ailthean Tractor (Layout)
Creevish Rhyflers (File Prep)
a few points of note; the order of work on the command and specialists boxes have been rejuggled so now the coftyr and crusader boxes for each type are being released as pairs, rather than it being one command box and the specialist box from the opposite faction. i think this will go over better.
the Tractor kits have been pushed back further in the queue, no doubt with the experiance WGA now has from working up the sprues for the Damned's mauler truck. this is probably good, since it means more time for them to iron out how they do vehicle kits. still hoping the sprues will be done in such a way that they can easily release kits for the other tractors using the same parts, like the Wanamoch gun tractor (a modified Chyweethl with a different hull design) or the Creevish Mogyn Light Tractor or the Crusader Raewyr Support Tractor, both of which use the same tread assemblies as the Ailthean.
also we have another new faction being added to the queue for plastics, with the Creevish Ryhflers. which means we'll be gettign the bowties and kneebreeches of the Gwyldyfin trench watch. which gives the Western Arnyarans their main opponents.
Quick question: are those dates next to the middle couple of kits the time they are predicted to go on pre-order, or something else I'm too dense to figure out?
@FOD287 those are the T1 dates - first (and usually final) test shot. So add another month or so after that for release. Sometimes longer depending on the schedules.
@Hudson Adams Ok, thank you SO much!
Loosely related, what sort of pre-order dates would you put on the command boxes at a rough guess?
@Hudson Adams Thanks again!
@Hudson Adams thanks for the clarification.. that actually answers a question i've seen on other forums and social media about what those dates in the weekly updates mean.
With the tractors being quite small for 28mm kits do we anticipate there being more than one person box, at least for the initial ones? Maybe two or even three if we are lucky, or are they just going to be one kit per box?
personally i'm assuming only 1 per box until i hear otherwise. given the shapes involved i'd guess that each tank would probably be at least two full sprues each, and we've seen they'll do 2 full sprues to a single box.