WGA posted this news piece 18 MAR 22:
I listened to the podcast yesterday while commuting back and forth. An interesting conversation and definitely worth a listen.
I didn't take notes as I was driving, but these are some high points to the best of my recollection:
Customer base is largely split between the USA and the UK, with the rest of the world making up a smaller percentage.
There was absolutely no timeline, but WGA would like to develop rules for near all its miniature lines.
Karl talked about releasing a bunch of kits "next week." Which came true in the "Five kits in May."
Finally, Karl mentioned that the GOAL is for WGA to release one kit a week in the coming year. AKA 52 kits in the coming year.
Wouldn't that be something? Even if they actually "only" achieve a kit every two weeks, that would triple the WGA product line.