I do my friend: IG Jump pack CC squads were so.. funny when compared to nowadays' army lists. Back then, Squat players were able to line up some Clan warriors equipped with chainaxes/powerfists and bolter pistols but no JP option, no even copters support since the rule for such vehicle disappeared in smoke... instead they had access to a vast array of hand grenades (joy)
Saint Paul Bonner depiction of IG jump CC squad.

And another example from Saint Pete Knifton.. but with Fly Packs!!!!

Back to the days, SM were supposed to perform -like Starship Troopers in the novel- small jumps thanks to their backpacks (so the jump packs Bonner used in his depiction), but fly packs were also common back to RT/1.5 and a bit of 2nd ed, less common and only used by paratroopers (like the Elysian years later). Human flypacks were based on (stolen) Eldar Corsair technology with an awesome hoovering capability (also known as "Death from Above" tactic) for IG units, SM were able to do bigger jumps instead thanks to a physiological limitation (SM were weighty while IG were similar to Eldars).
[edit]Please note the quite annoyed faces of Orks while facing Jumptroopers... "No note dos damn' humie flyin' chik'n"[/edit]
@Grumpy Gnome
Indeed.. the Sagitaur ATV is a lovely vehicle quite close of 70s/80s visual standards (without mounted Hvy weapons). So far, I do really enjoy most of revealed League motorpool thanks to her almost realistic aesthethics -read close to what I do like to depict futuristic vehicles, like 2001, Cosmos 1999, UFO, Moonbase 3 to name a few.