I wouldn't count the ogres out yet - a lot depends on how many votes it gets, and I don't think that a second- or third- or even fourth-place poll result necessarily write a set off from being released this year: I think it's more a matter of Wargames Atlantic referring to the poll results to see which sets to focus the most on manufacturing, and suspect that close-behind "almost-rans" tell them just as much as clear winners.
You can indeed select multiple options for each poll section, and I did just that with my favorites: I figure every little bit of data helps WGA to paint a clearer picture!
@Estoc - "Ooh Rah!" would be a US Marine battle-cry; no official word from Wargames Atlantic that I know of, but it seems very likely to be the name for a Death Fields Space Marine set, which is a description that seems to fit this week's teaser preview render perfectly:

If it's not this set, then it's anyone's guess!
Looks like it'll be a great set for building that platoon of starship troopers or colonial marines we've all been looking for (well, many of us :) ), and it's apparently right up the alley for some 40K factions as well. I've a feeling it'll be a very popular set!
I think these guys, the Treemen, and Gangsters & G-Men sets sound like they'll be some of my favorites, but there were LOTS of great options on the poll - I don't think I saw anything there that would disappoint me if it won.