Shipment today from Black Pyramid Gaming!

Black Pyramid Gaming is in the UK, and I am in 'Merica! But the ordering was uneventful and the shipping speed good. Moreover, the shipping cost was fairly reasonable by ordering from the UK standards.
I expected them to be metal for some reason, but they are some kind of resin or plastic? And seemingly primed?

The Needle, Becky Sharpe Vampire Hunter, Madame du Nuit, and Marshall Baron Samedi.

Madame du Nuit, Pat, Major S Zombie Hunter, and The Needle.
All sharp, nice quality sculpts.
I planned on trading out The Needle's weedy looking pistols for proper weapons so the resin/plastic is convenient.
Madame du Nuit was the main reason I made this order. She will be the core of my Austrian force, surrounded by loyal Grenzers. Really like this mini. It may be hard to see but she has a carbine hanging from the hip as well.
I ordered Baron Samedi to be a Vampire for encounters, but on closer inspection I can't tell if he has fangs or a super bad outbreak of Herpes.
I'm a little disappointed with Pat. He should be a great bear of a man, and his is almost the smallest miniature. I do like his oversized volley gun and slung rifle.