Y'all pressed it....

Want to interject and reiterate what other people are saying here....Space Furries, PLEASE!!! I adore the One Page Rules anthropomorphs, and plan on fielding an army of Jackals in my Death Fields arena. (Perhaps I could cut off a tail of a Jackal, and use a puttied-up WA lizardman tail to make a kangaroo hero figure....) Wish there were sci-fi options for their Saurians and Beastmen. Gonna post a few of my favorites of all three here, for inspiration...
Jackal Rifle Vultures (just imagine one of these with a big, kangaroo tail...and perhaps some blue fur and poofy, pink hair...)

Jackal Satellite Veteran (I can't decide whether I like this one or the regular veteran more - the regular one has a rebreather which looks great, but I like the doodads on this one for a comms specialist...)

Saurian Gators (would LOVE these with some rocket launchers or flamethrowers!!)

Jackal Sniper Gunner Beasts

Beastmen Raid Master (SO using this one as a NPC/boss character in a future tabletop campaign...)

As far as Wargames Atlantic stuff, I know I want to make some DF lizardmen, but I do wish there were a few more kitbashing options for this (another gas mask head?) I plan on doing some heavier kitbashing of them to have some lizardman representation in my "Pests" army idea.
I humbly suggest a second Lizardmen box to pair with the Classic Fantasy one, for further Death Fields conversion (maybe some cavalry on giant komodo dragons, to go against the Grognards' raptors?) I'd also love the space big cats posted about above, or perhaps something like the Giff space hippos, from Spellajmmer - Even a set of anthropomorphic heads compatible with the human bodies would work quite well. Either way, consider this my plea on behalf of furries everywhere: Get some anthropomorphs on the Death Fields!!
(Okay, deep breathing....)
If anyone could point me to the direction of other minis along these lines, for sci-fi use, I'd definitely consider picking them up. I want to finish my Grognards and future Cannon Fodder (and my DF pitch...) before I branch out into third-party and kitbashed army ideas. But I'd love some other ideas.
As far as more "traditional" aliens...I recently got a Stargrave Crew II box and was really inspired by the 50s-style alien heads included. I think this would get a lot of mileage for a Death Fields box. Going to be bashing a few of those heads onto my Cannon Fodder ladies. I also loved the catgirl head!
The "space squids" posted above are also a great idea and honestly the kind of alien I have in mind when I think of the leaders of the Game Guilds. Eons of Battle is currently selling a "Squid Mage" in their store that looks really good, with a cuttlefish-shaped head that I love. But perhaps a more mindflayer-type head would work well, too.
Other aliens? Can't go wrong with some Tyranid-likes. To expound on an idea that WA has already done, I like the Death Fields bits in the Giant Spiders box. Maybe there could be an army (or at least some brigades) of other giant insects? You could do the same thing, make them for the Classic Fantasy line, and then add some Death Fields bits. Giant scorpions with laser tails and iron pincers, beetles with armor and spear-tip heads, robotic praying mantises?
Speaking of robots, I think a robot army would be a good idea, too. Maybe they could be used for training games.
I think that's about exhausted my thoughts for now - looking forward to hearing more from this topic!