I could have sworn I saw some sci-fi Gorillas like Planet of the Apes types but in space with futuristic armor and weapons. I thought they were really cool but obviously not a core box. Must have been a kit-bash by someone. Does anybody have any idea what I am talking about or did am I dreaming?
@Abba Elfman AT-43 did a lot of different space and power suited Gorillas, and Crooked Dice do a Planet of the Ape range including Horse back, Gorrillas. There was a company that had some Ape (Chimps) space suited but only a couple, It`s what we keep asking for,new figures.
Eureka also have apes on motorbikes. I have all their apes and gorillas which I use in Apetown, a little known Necromunda settlement. Of course my version of Necro also includes Hymenoptera (ant and vespid), kroot, and many another oddity.
I just love putting odd gangs together to see how they perform and keep the players guessing.
@Charles Tottington Cause your main game is 40k to degree where its affecting how you veiw things, otherwise you would figure out GW's orc/orks are based on gorrilas, have been since the D&D RPG sup days I believe and pretty much reffered to as hairless green gorrilas in many of the rule books for both 40k and WFB.