
  • Hello everyone,

    Years ago, I learned that Wargames Atlantic was going to manufacture plastic miniatures in the Unites States of America. This was a wonderful development, and I told everyone in my gaming community and every gaming store in my area that that they should buy Wargames Atlantic products and support this company.

    I am Canadian.

    I know this is not a political forum and I ask your pardon, but your President is hurting us. 

    I will not buy any product of the USA until this ends. 


  • that is your choice, obviously. but please understand. we are his victims as well. the majority of us did not vote for him. the majority of us do not support him. we are just as worried about it as you are. Wargames Atlantic has no connection to this administration, so please do not tar all of us with the same brush you use for him.

  • Uh, it's a tough choice, but I find it understandable and fair, unfortunately, especially if you're from Canada.
    On the other hand, WA never turned a blind eye to tough events in the close past (even to ones lose), so I hope it's understood from both sides.

  • Allan,

    As a fellow Canadian, I understand your choice, and I support it. Good for you.

    I do question the need to trumpet it to the world - Especially in this forum. You have not targeted Wargames Atlantic, indeed you say 'I will not buy any product of the USA until this ends.'

    So, despite it being a non-political forum, and despite Wargames Atlantic not having any ability to 'end' this, you have made a rather virtue-signaling, political post.

    This is not the place. Do better.


  • @Timothy Peterson I agree, political statments should be done in non-industry enviorments like FB groups that are not tied to a corporation, they gain more traction there and are actually better places for open dialogue on the topic.

    Now if this had been  about boycotting WA over not getting more out on the Warring States Chinese, that would be a diffrent story (though that would not be a very effective way to get what you want in that case🤣 it would at least get a good convo going).

  • Don't know why it's necessary to tell an entire company that you won't buy anything American because "Orange Man Bad!"

    Like, seriously, there is a lot of hysteria over all this and a lot of fearmongering on both sides. This is NOT the type of forum for this kind of stuff.

    It's coming off more like you're trying to shame WGA for being based in America even though they have little to no say in political matters.

    It's like what Timothy said, this is not the place for politics. We're here to discuss miniatures, sci-fi, history, and fantasy. Not virtue signal about how the president is somehow Hitler reincarnate.


    I'd consider this as a fair move from WA in this case!

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