Who else is excited about this?
It's about time WA gave their Ancients ranges some more love, and a box of Roman Civilians could be easily kitbashed into citizens, slaves, militia and gang fighters from many different nations of the ancient Mediterranean, fictional fantasy kingdoms with a Greco-Roman theme and even Romano-British citizens from the early Dark Ages. Not to mention Gangs of Rome itself looks an interesting game, I've been keeping an eye on it since round the time it was first released and it has great potential, especially with such inspiring media as Rome and Spartacus about.
Would be great for representing some of the lightly armed and armored troops in the Gladiator faction of Broken Legions.
@JTam SPQR also has a similar faction in the form of the Slave Revolt army list that was showcased in an issue of Wargames Illustrated. Those plastic Gangs of Rome miniatures will be great for Trained Slaves and House Slaves, while the WA Digital Spartacus Revolt Gladiators will, funnily enough, serve well as Gladiators.
Looks like the WGA plastics are happening:


What other kits has Macfarlane sculpted?
@JTam WA Late Romans and Goths, as well as the WA Ogres and Dark Age Irish.
They look great, so far! I think WA are onto a winner here!
WA have announced it on their side as well:
Good to hear that there will be Gladiator parts as well, so it looks as if a Slave Revolt player may not even need the Digital models.
Still have fingers crossed for a dedicated plastic Gladiator kit one day.
@JTam such a boxed set would be very simple to make, the bodies were generally similar in their guise, main difference were principally in the heads, bareheaded or with helmets (various types), and arms with different weapons/armour, plus greaves on the legs. A plastic sprue logically so would 've a LOT of head & arms options, a real paradise for kitbashers!
I'd be perfectly happy using a set of figures like this in fantasy gaming to represent bandits, cultists, assassins, slave conscripts, rebels, mobs, gladiators, and more. They should be pretty easy to head and/or weapon swap with spare helmet and spear or bow-and-arrow bits for lighter infantry. I'm sure most of us look at the renders and think of white tunics, but some of those guys might not look very far out of place mixed in with warbands of Celts and the like with their clothes painted like tartan patterns in dark reds, greens, and blues, for example. I can see this kit being used for all sorts of projects, I have a feeling it could be a popular one!
Backed the Kickstarter.

Just picking up some of the female gangers.
Regret my pledge.
They want 25 pounds to ship 5 metal 28mm miniatures.
I'm trying to get a refund.
Failing that I guess I just donated 17 pounds (my initial pledge) to Footsore.... because I'm not paying 25 pounds for shipping.
We will see what they say.
EDIT: Footsore refunded my money. No harm no foul I guess.
Just to contrast, Great Escape Games is currently shipping metal cavalry miniatures from their Kickstarter to me for ZERO pounds.
The first half of the kickstarter idea is sound. By making people actually pay instead of just vaguely saying "I might buy this", you get 100% reliable market data that eliminates risk for both sides.
But then they slap on this campaign/stretchgoals system, and it becomes something resembling a scam that probably wouldn't make it past consumer protection laws in the EU. If you can't tell me what I'll get for my money, and how much shipping there's gonna be, you do not get my money.
I was keeping track the Reaper bones kickstarter last year, mapping which pieces I'd be interested in and how much they'd be worth, and even towards the end I would have had to put faith in crystal ball predictions that there might a last moment rush unlocking extra stretchgoals that'd put it over the edge of being a better deal than retail. Add shipping and import taxes to that, and I just noped out.