So it's evidently a miniseries, Band of Brothers style?
Based on this book:
SAS: Rogue Heroes Book
I am a huge fan of 1969 Play Dirty, with 1970 Kelly's Heroes and 1969 Battle of Britain, I am watching once a year -quite a guilty pleasure I have to confess- the movie based on the exploits of units such as the Long Range Desert Group, Popski's Private Army and the SAS in North Africa during WW2.
*adding a note to his watch list*
Let's hope the tvshow is going to be as good as the Heavy Water War
Thanks Mister Tam
@Steven StGeorges
Interesting trailer.
Unfortunate thumbnail though....
Looks like something that needs a Brazzers logo.
@JTam As you say, it could be a hit or miss from that trailer. I am leaning toward miss but then I am something of a pessimist.
@Steven StGeorges I am surprised I have never heard of “Play Dirty”. Quite a cast there but the plot line sounds like the kind of thing I hate, the glamorization of criminality. Dirty Dozen-wannabes used to drive me crazy as an NCO.
@Grumpy Gnome
At first glance only, Play Dirty is not the british counterpart of Dirty Dozen.. not at all. He does look like DD, smeel like DD but on a realistic way.. so typical in Euromovies so do not expect some Hollywood Happy Ending or any other "cheesy" stuff.. Play Dirty is playing dirtier and dirtier till the very end. That could explain why critics did dislike it and audience turned it into a box-office bomb.
@Steven StGeorges I am not sure that makes it any better but that is a pretty interesting cast of actors. Of course despite the excellent cast and a couple of interesting scenes I did not like the remake of Inglorious Bastards either (I have not seen the original) so I do not think it would be my cup of tea. However, the film critic in me is indeed intrigued
Ah, so Peaky Blinders in the desert.
Hopefully it doesn't just become one big clothing advert and fashion show like PB did. The guy in aviator sunglasses already has me worried.
I suppose they have to appeal to the masses somehow : - )
@Grumpy Gnome
Just read the wikipage about, and the résumé. Should be enough to make up your mind about. I am a big fan of Michael Cain, so...
I am also a big Michael Cain fan. That is what caught my attention.
@Grumpy Gnome
Always knew you were un Homme de Goût, my dear GG.
Well this is one time I can say want to "Play ", go Rubicon all the way for vehicles. Work b
y Steve Perry
One more shot just for fun, Let you know what the programs like.
By the way they are 1/56th pure joy.![](
@JTam Yes it`s hit and miss a bit, some parts not to bad, then you cringe, then you shudder , not a big fan of modern rock and roll with a 1940`s theam either. I want to like it but score it has at some time a 7 then a sad 2. Three episodes in and its not really improving, and to be honest I don`t think it does the S.A.S. proud. I know it`s "Drama" and some parts not acurate, it actually as a desclaimer, but we will watch till the end, now overall I sadly wished we had not bothered, we looked forward to this so much.
We are watching "Wednesday" of the Adams Family, ( a totally different type of program) but we could not stop watching, episode after episode, we laughed, smiled, jumped, all the things you want to do, all 8. in 2 wonderfull nights. Now the SAS, we just watch 1 a week, no wish to bing it as we well could.
I have not tried it yet as the trailer put me off. Seemed a bit to into pandering to the stereotypes of a contemporary audience. So I have been waiting to hear what other folks think.
I wasn't too hot on the first episode of Rogue Heroes, but there's an animated series of Netflix (it's like comic book art style, with motion captured faces for the actors) called The Liberator, based on the story of Felix Sparks who rose through the ranks of the US army in WW2 fighting at Anzio and in Operation Dragoon, with his time at Anzio in particular leading a unit built up of cowboys, native Americans, and Mexican Americans. Only a 4 part limited series, but really enjoyable if you're looking for a WW2 fix.